Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving's 2006

On November, 11th we celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends the Schladenhauffens before they returned to the USA for stateside assignment. Then on the 24th we went to Bethlehem and had Thanksgiving with the Bickers family and the Bowers. We had a great time of fun, food and fellowship!! We had all the traditional Thanksgiving foods. We even had sweetpotato casserole. Thanks Aunt Carol for sacrificing your last can from the USA for us!!
We took a walk through a small private reserve area. They had Bok and Zebra. We also saw a big jack rabbit.

A game of Mexican Train.

Josh and Roxanne waiting for desert.
November 11th--Typical Thanksgiving response after eating and watching an American football game.

Charles & Uncle Mark solving the worlds problems! LOL!!

The young adults chatting.

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